Dos and Don’ts of Mercury Retrograde

Dos and Don’ts of Mercury Retrograde

Tricky, tricky. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep for royally screwing up our day-to-day communications. There is a lot of fear around retrogrades (Mercury, specifically), but actually it’s a wonderful time to be introspective and reflect on your life. How are you doing, really? What’s working? What’s not?

In 2021, Mercury goes retrograde three times:

  • January 30 to February 21

  • May 29 to June 22

  • September 27 to October 23

Here are some dos and don’ts of Mercury retrograde:

Yes, please

  1. Go deep. Review the challenges you’re facing in your life. What can you do to reach a better, happier outcome?

  2. Be patient. Mercury retrograde results in miscommunication and delays. Take a deep breath and be flexible.

  3. Double check travel plans. Stay up-to-date on your travel plans. Have a plan B in case of delays or cancellations.

  4. Save important files. Back-up your computer and phone so you don't lose important data if a glitch occurs.

  5. Do shadow work. What’s keeping you up at night? What can’t you seem to let go of? Revisit persistent patterns and be honest with yourself about why and how they are keeping you stuck.

  6. Pamper yourself. Skip the work happy hour and take a bubble bath. Light some candles. Mediate. Read a book. Zen out.

  7. Do a digital detox. It’s the perfect time to take a break from social media.

Hard pass

  1. Think negatively. Catch yourself replaying a negative memory or being in a cycle of negative thought. Stay positive. Remember, the journey is long and you’re exactly where you need to be.

  2. Exaggerate. If something negative has happened, don’t dwell on it, and certainly don’t make it seem worse than it is. It’s all going to work out beautifully.

  3. Go hard at work. Hold back from planning a big presentation or signing legal documents. Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing tech glitches or screwing up important contracts. Delay, delay, delay.

  4. Play small. Because of misunderstandings and mix-ups, things may not go as planned. Keep it positive and avoid feeding into the negativity of others.

If you’re wondering WTF is Mercury retrograde. Check out this blog post.

What are you retrograde rituals?


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Dates of Mercury Retrograde in 2021