How to Sage a House

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A wonderful way to clear out bad energy is by burning sage. If you’re the type of person who throws parties or has a lot of personalities come through their home (friends, family, employees, etc.), it would be wise to incorporate saging your house into your routine. While you can of course sage every room, definitely make sure to focus on the most highly trafficked rooms, as this is where people’s energy gathers.

Like many holistic healing methods, sage cleansing or “smudging” has become mainstream, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t reap the full benefits. Here’s how to sage a house.

Step One

Before you light up, open the windows—the unwanted energy needs a pathway to get out.

Step Two

Always use caution and respect when working with fire. Make sure you have a fireproof plate or abalone shell to hold the smudging sage. Light the top of the sage and allow it to burn for 20 seconds and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Using your other hand, begin to waft it down so it starts to burn and smoke. P.S. you can also buy sage spray if you’re not comfortable with flames or nervous about smoke.

Step Three

Say a sage cleansing prayer out loud and set an intention. A sage cleansing prayer sets the tone during your smudging ritual—it can be short or elaborate, prose or rhyming, spontaneous or memorized. You could simply say, “Any energy that is not of my highest and greatest good, please leave through the open window/door.”

Step Four

Begin by first sage cleansing yourself. Imagine the smoke absorbing any negative energy you are holding. Waft the smoke around your face (eyes closed) and then sage under your feet and all around your body.

Step Five

Then, start in the furthest room from the front door and begin to walk around the room, reaching every corner, and into every other room of the home with the sage smoke, making your way towards the front door.

Step Six

As sage removes all energies, both positive and negative, after saging you may want to use palo santo or rosewater spray to fill your home with positive energy. Enjoy those vibes!


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