Know Your Human Design Strategy

Know Your Human Design Strategy

Human Design is a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design.

On the most practical level, Human Design shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool, and ultimately, how to live as your true self. By understanding your energy type, and using it correctly, you experience flow in your life. When exchanging energy correctly with the world, you eliminate all resistance—the way you move through life and the way you make decisions starts to feel effortless. The things that start to come to you are things that are actually supposed to be for you. All of the good stuff starts to open up. 

Conversely, when using your energy incorrectly, you encounter resistance—that's when life starts to feel tough and you struggle. When using your energy incorrectly, you might put a lot of energy into something and not really get much back.

The science of the aura


Human Design is really the science of the aura; it’s how you use your energetic body to get where you're supposed to go in this life. Not only does your aura have its own signature, and the own way that it likes to work, but you also have something called the “not self” that comes in. Your “not self” is essentially the qualities you embody when you're not living your design. It’s something that we all become by listening too much to the conditioning of the world around us. It’s listening to others tell you the way you should do things to get success/fulfillment/happiness, even though it isn’t necessarily customized to who you are and how you're built.

Your aura is about three feet around you. When you allow the conditioning of the world to penetrate it, your aura gets clogged and has conflicting messages with your soul. When that happens, the Universe essentially receives mixed messages from you. Your soul knows that it wants but has become conditioned to think things have to be a certain way, because other people say so. The Universe then says, “I want to send you what you really want, but you're confusing me here. I don't know if you're ready and I don't know if I can send it to you right now.” Your job is to get back to who you authentically are and get back to operating the way you're supposed to operate in this world according to your energy type. 

Clean house! Get rid of all the debris and the clutter that's in your aura and isn’t yours. Shed the external conditioning telling you who you should be because you’re a woman/too young/too old/grew up poor/didn’t go to college/was romantically rejected/whatever box people want to put you in.

Understanding your Human Design strategy

The strategy is the way your energy type can maximize the way you attract opportunities and synchronicities. The theory is that everything that you desire as a soul is not a coincidence. Everything you want is built into you because your soul already chose those things to basically act as signposts telling you where to go.

For example, there's a reason why you might enjoy gardening and someone else might enjoy knitting. It's the Universe saying, “Do more gardening—explore what is there. Follow that light. Follow that desire, because within that, there is your gift.” There is something in there that you need to discover, that you need to master, or that you need to share with others. It's a tool for your own self discovery, you just don't know what's going to be behind it.

Everybody is built a specific way to be lit up by different things on this planet. Really following your own authority is a major thing you have to understand about Human Design—it's not about trying to force yourself into one route to success. 

5 Human Design strategies

When you really allow yourself to be clear, all of the things that you desire can actually drop into your life and you have the space to hold them. When you exercising your strategy, essentially you're being able to shift through your old conditioning, your old ways of being, and ask yourself, “Is this according to my strategy? If not, can I let go of it?” That's just the gentle way of letting out your external conditioning from childhood—all the ways you were told you had to be in order to be loved and accepted.


Strategy: Inform before acting. The Manifestor energy is fast and is the flame in the creative process. To take time and explain in the midst of this process is a hindrance and annoyance to the Manifestor. However, the Manifestor is reliant on an influx of energy from the other human design types. Once the initiation or initial manifestation has taken place, to have the desired effect or take the manifestation to a higher level, the Manifestor needs the other human design types to respond. Therefore, the Manifestor must inform before acting to keep the energy flowing around them and their actions. A Manifestor that does not inform creates a vacuum isolating themselves from the dance of the others energies.


Strategy: Wait to respond. As a Generator in this world, there is a constant array of things to respond to. The world is like a pinball machine and it is the generating energy that bounces the ball around. For the Generator, the trick is to wait until the “ball” comes “to your flipper” or within reality. It is easy to get drawn into pushing forward to force things to happen. That is often the motto in our world, “Just Do it!”

The Generator in pursuit of the bigger things in life you can, “Just do it!”, as long as they are responding to something in their reality. This is where the Generator intertwines with the Law of Attraction. For example, a Generator sees an ad on TV for training to start a new career in life coaching. The next day in a conversation, a friend mentions that they are good at coaching people. At this point the idea of life coaching has become more concrete within their reality. It is more of a concrete situation for the Generator to respond to. Not necessarily to the point of dropping everything they are doing but at least enough to investigate the coaching opportunity at bit more.

Ultimately, for the Generator, it must feel like the right thing to respond to in their core, at the center of their being. A Generator that follows this strategy of response will be much more successful than trying to push to make things happen or trying to respond to everything that comes their way.

Manifesting Generator

Strategy: Respond, envision, reprocess, inform, act. Much like the Generator, Manifesting Generators need to respond to events and occurrences in their reality. The difference is the Manifesting Generator can push the gray area of initiation a little bit. In some situations they may respond, repeatedly so quickly that it appears more of initiation than a response. But to truly maximize the energetic return they need to be responding.

Take job hunting for example. A Manifesting Generator has much better odds responding to occurrences in their reality than pounding the pavement or hawking the classifieds. An occurrence may be a mention of an opportunity by a friend or from a social network connection or it could be training seminar promoted at a local store. For a Manifesting Generator, it’s these threads within their reality that create the optimal energetic exchange when responding with the proper intentions.


Strategy: Wait to be invited. The Projector must be invited in order for the energy to flow properly. How many of us have had the experience in a group or social situation when someone starts guiding and directing and everyone is thinking, “Who invited you (to be the boss of me?)” It is this dynamic that requires the Projector to participate by invitation.

The invitation can be formal, informal, or implied, but it is critical for the energetic exchange that it is there. The invitation is needed for employment, to participate in a group discussion, play on a sports team, or even as part of dating. The people in the life of the Projector can help aid and orchestrate the invitations a Projector receives.


Strategy: Wait 28 days. Because of their open design, Reflectors are significantly influenced by the energetic gates created by the cycles of the moon. The strategy for the Reflector is to ride their lunar cycle and make the big decisions only after experiencing their full 28 days. They may have struggled finding consistency in their changing nature. The Reflector will be very sensitive to their immediate environment due to their openness, and certain energies of people may unduly influence their decisions. This can pose difficulty for the Reflector, yet understanding this, in many cases, can provide relief.

Use your strategy

Human Design offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are. When you live in alignment with your true nature, you begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who you are, instead of chasing who you are not—and you’re able to live out our real purpose in the world.

Each Human Design type plays a critical role in the interaction of the human species. If everyone on this planet lived their type and strategy of the design they were given, there would be a lot less struggle and discontentment in the world.

Want to better understand your human design type? Click here to read more.


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Understanding the 5 Human Design Types